Saturday, May 12, 2007


I have VICTORY over my fate. Yes, at last, I have taken my UFO in my hands and I committed myself to it's successful finish. Here you have it, Ladies and Gentlemen. The long awaited Kimono is now a FO and I am feeling satisfied with my VICTORY over my stash today.

My dh photographed me in it tonight so I can put it on my blog, at last. I forgot to tell him to be sure I had it on so that the color bars down the front were lined up. But, even though they are not, you can still get a sense of what this kimono is like. I love it.

You can find the pattern here, if you are interested in this project for yourself. Yours can look very different by choosing a different yarn than I did. Mine is made from Lion Brand Moonlight Mohair which I happen to have a love affair with. I am crazy about mohair anyway, and this brand has a brilliant metallic thread running through it that gives it some oomph, in my opinion. I love a little razzle dazzle!

Now that the kimono if finished I doubt I will be able to actually wear it for a few more months since weather here in western PA is now quite warm and sunny. But heck, I have it waiting for me once the fall weather arrives and the cool winds blow. I am a happy girl today.

1 comment:

mjm knitting said...

your kimono looks great!

oh by the way you have been tagged-check out my blog